Finishing college means that the concept of weekends and weekdays become blurred and fluid. I can basically do what I want when I want...with the permission of my mother of course. But really I can wake up at 5 pm and sleep at 5 am. I can take ridiculously long naps that further diminishes my sleeping pattern and it wouldn't matter. I have no responsibilities, no dead line, no exams. The next three months of holiday, I am probably going to forget what day it is, what time it is and maybe even what month (it actually happened last year).
My fear is that this long break is not like last years. I actually don't remember much from last year...and no not because it was just that good. It's more like I did nothing significant. Sure I made plans but seldom followed them through. Soon enough I just gave up and found comfort in my room on my laptop or in a book. The ice cream van would come and go, I'd read tweets, look at pictures, watch videos of people having a blast and sadly I was content with that.
I am determine to make a change this year. The change is already happening first of all because I want a change, I'm bored of being tired and tired of being bored. I've made a basic list of things that will happen this summer. I will go to Brighton, I will hang out with some old friend, I will make new friends, I will exercise and I will ride my penny board. Most importantly I will say yes when I am asked to go somewhere. No excuses.
I have worked very hard, I think the hardest I have ever worked in my life on my studies this year and I really need to let loose. Enjoy myself before I get sucked into education again. I want to have something to talk about when someone asks me about my summer, this summer I refuse to say "nothing really, how about you".
what are you going to say when someone asks you? let me know, I'd love to hear it.
- A