Sunday, 29 September 2013

Cities I must go before I die...

I was scrolling down Tumblr, for those who don't know what Tumblr is, it's basically like Instagram's sister who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder; there's a dark side, a funny side, a pretty side, and so on. But mostly it is very "American". I have always been very much in love with everything American, well not the political or medical side of things but everything else seems whimsical: the music; the movies; Disney land and Hollywood are all things I have been exposed to from a very young age - those are things that everyone has been exposed to from a very young age-unless you quite literally live under a rock.

Specifically I am enticed by places like San Francisco renowned for the steep hills, the ever so majestic Golden Gate Bridge, the phenomenal architecture, I could go on but we have to get to other places I fantasise about such as New Orleans. Now this is the home of jazz, the sultry celebration of Mardi Gras, famous for it's cross-cultural and multilingualism, not to mention the food and the vintage ambience. I realise that this might not be of appeal to everyone but if you are like me, as opposed to the modernised culture constantly being chugged down our throats turning us into mindless robots, New Orleans is most definitely somewhere to ensure we visit at a point in our lives. And if it's all just fabricated by the media, at least we'll get to witness it first hand and make our own judgement and used the phrase "I saw it with my own eyes" rather than "yeah I Googled it, weren't that great."

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