Tuesday, 10 December 2013

If I had one wish...

My little brother often asks me "if you had one wish, what would it be?"
Usually I'd blow his pestering questions off, as he is at the stage where they fire approximately 10 questions at per minute (this is not an entirely accurate statistic). But this time I actually thought about it. I have no doubt that a simple answer such as flying, super strength, money would have sufficed. I answered that I would wish to be fearless, to which my brother  replied "err I think I'll just wish for an unlimited amount of money" I was slightly disappointed by the lack of thought he put into his own question not to mention how shallow of a wish it is.
But just imagine the possibilities of having no fear and I'm not an idiot, I do recognise that fear is needed for survival. But how about the fear of trivial, non-life-threatening things like wearing whatever the hell you want and voicing your opinion as you please? Like why can I not just start singing when I have this song I heard on the radio this morning stuck in my head? Because I'm scared, just absolutely petrified of people, the same species as I am but nonetheless terrifying. And it's just strange to think that it would be considered a superpower to be fearless but those who are, in my eyes are both invincible and extinct.

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